Monday, March 15, 2010

Tooth Bleaching Gel - Does It Really Help?

Well, there are ways in which one can make their teeth look white and bright. One such way is by using the teeth bleaching gel.

There are varies manufacturers who produce this bleaching gel. But let us first analyze as to how one’s teeth become dark in color when a child’s teeth looks as white as a pearl. A child as he grows up comes in contact with several eatables which are of several colors. When the coloring agents in these items stick to the teeth, it tends to darken the teeth. Besides these eatables, tobacco also darkens the color of the teeth.

Coming to the teeth bleaching gel, the gel can be used at homes and does not require any doctor to apply it for you. All one has to do is apply the gel using thin guard trays. At home people can also use small strips for applying the gel to their teeth. The principle behind the tooth bleaching gel is that it contains oxidizing agents like hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. This oxidizing agent is the key to teeth whitening as it penetrates through the enamel and reacts with certain substances called interprismatic stain deposits. On reacting with these substances, an oxidizing reaction takes place which de-colorizes all other colors on the tooth and provides the whitening effect.

Thus a person can make his or her tooth sparkling white. This is how a tooth bleaching gel works. It is used in both general dentistry and for cosmetic dentistry. Though this can be done at home, it should be done only under the prescription of a well recognized doctor.

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